Can we imagine a war and all of its strain,
with constant commitment they guard through the rain,
Can we imagine the war causes of fears,
but look at their faces is that their sweat or their tears'
Can we imagine what the fallen have given,
for we must remember for we are the livin',
Can we imagine they were the brave,
and now we must stand for all that they gave,
Can we imagine them looking down and how we must feel,
when we quietly place on the ground our gentle kneel,
Can we imagine as we silently pray for thee,
that we honor God, country, you, yes all thee,
Can we imagine the loved ones and all of their pain,
as these guards with great pride always stand in the rain,
Can we imagine that we all pray for the end,
for all the things of war that cause us to bend,
Can we imagine the sun forever so bright,
that brings us the hope with its dawn early light,
Can we imagine of what our veterans all gave,
as we all stand most silent at this holy grave.
Thoughts and words by John Kurowski